All happening too fast

Soon it would be over 2009 session. Then 2010 new intake and starting all over again..phew! Time flies by like a speeding bullet..JIP Seminar in May the peak of 1st sem. Now ongoing coursework to be completed and evaluated.
Due to the festive break everything is put on hold for a brief moment; and after this all the grading, collaboration, finalysing and recording etc etc.


ShahRiLL RaMLi said...

science 2 snapping? hurm.....bias? LOL! Just kidding!I agree..time flies so soon! I had to say although the first semester was like 'hell' but all the memories with classmates and lecturers (wink) will be cherished. *sob*

SSS said...

Science 2 is very catchy.. hehe.. till we meet again ya!